Credit Information at your Fingertips ...

Our Code

Any company, firm or individual selling on credit can apply for membership. However, each member has to abide to the MACM’s code of ethics and behaviour to ensure professionalism, honesty, and fairness in the members’ dealings. 
  • Truth and justice are fundamental in all business relationships and commitments in business are by nature continuous and irrevocable, varied by mutual agreement.
  • The interchange of credit information must be based upon confidence, cooperation, reciprocity and confidentiality.
  • All members must abide by the regulations of the association regarding the interchange of credit information.
  • Creditors should cooperate for the benefit of all in adjustment or liquidation of insolvent estates or companies.
  • Creditors must render all possible assistance to honest debtors who become insolvent.
  • Dishonest and fraudulent debtors must be exposed.
  • Cooperation, fairness and honesty must dominate in all insolvent debtor proceedings.
  • Costly administrative procedures in the rehabilitation or liquidation of an insolvent debtor shall be avoided at all times.
  • Members pledge themselves to uphold the integrity, dignity and honor of the credit professional in all of their business dealings.
  • All rights or authority enjoyed or entrusted in business imply corresponding duties and responsibilities and must be justified by a sufficient and capable administration of enterprise in the community.
  • Business must not tolerate any form of bribery in commercial relations. It is the duty of members especially in difficult times to carry out their duties with force, strength, moral courage and integrity. 
  • MACM Members are to adhere to the Data Protection Act and applicable published legal guidelines and any other relative legislation at all times.
For a copy of the statute of The Malta Association of Credit Management, contact the secretariat of MACM.